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Leo Panitch / Greg Albo / Vivek Chibber (Hrsg.)

The Crisis This Time

Socialist Register 2011

296 Seiten | In englischer Sprache | 2010 | EUR 22.80
ISBN 978-3-89965-997-9 1

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Kurztext: Die Ausgabe 2011 von Socialist Register, dem Jahrbuch der unabhängigen internationalen Linken, das im deutschsprachigen Raum von VSA: vertrieben wird.

It has been three years since the crisis began, and there is no clear end in sight. Whether or not we are at the beginning of the first Great Depression of the 21st century remains to be seen. But what recovery there has been is halting and precarious, and we now live with the possibility of long-term stagnation. And make no mistake, for millions of workers across the world it has meant what crises always do – coming face to face with the fact that in capitalism, it is profits that matter, not people.


Leo Panitch, Gregory Albo, Vivek Chibber

Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin
Capitalist Crises and the Crisis this Time

Hugo Radice
Confronting the Crisis: A Class Analysis

Anwar Shaikh
The First Great Depression of the 21st Century

Johanna Brenner
Caught in the Whirlwind: Working-Class Families Face the Economic Crisis

Doug Henwood
Before and After Crisis: Wall Street Lives On

Julie Froud, Michael Moran, Adriana Nilsson, Karel Williams
Opportunity Lost: Mystification, Elite Politics and Financial Reform in the UK

Riccardo Bellofiore, Francesco Garibaldo, Joseph Halevi
The Global Crisis and the Crisis of European Neomercantilism

R. Taggart Murphy
A Loyal Retainer? Japan, Capitalism, and the Perpetuation of American Hegemony

Sam Ashman, Ben Fine, Susan Newman
The Crisis in South Africa: Neoliberalism, Financialization and Uneven and Combined Development

Dick Bryan, Michael Rafferty
Deriving Capital’s (and Labour’s) Future

Susanne Soederberg
Cannibalistic Capitalism: The Paradoxes of Neoliberal Pension Securitization

Alfredo Saad-Filho
Crisis in Neoliberalism or Crisis of Neoliberalism?

Karl Beitel
The Crisis, the Deficit, and the Power of the Dollar: Resisting the Public Sector’s Devaluation

Gregory Albo, Bryan Evans
From Rescue Strategies to Exit Strategies: The Struggle over Public Sector Austerity

Noam Chomsky
The Centre Cannot Hold: Rekindling the Radical Imagination
